Many people have been asking when will they be able to get their hands on some Rubbs By Chubbs (RBC). Soon. Very soon! But until the online store launches, I wanted to give y'all some food for thought. And what better way to feed your brain that with a delicious and simple recipe!
All Purpose Grilled Chicken:
Two Chicken Breasts
All Purpose RBC
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Half Spoonful Minced Garlic
Half your chicken breasts and place into a sealable bag. Drizzle in some EVOO.
Dump in the minced garlic, shake in some Rubb and then seal up the bag. (Make sure to do this before the next step.)
Mix the bag together to coat the chicken with everything. Let sit in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Then cook in whatever fashion you desire.
Things to consider with this recipe:
Note the lack of scientific measurements. To me cooking is more of an art than an exact method. You know what your tastebuds like so season accordingly.
I tend to grill most of my meats so the use of EVOO really helps keep the chicken juicy.
So there you have it! The first RBC Recipe and your first mouth-watering imagery of the Rubbs in action! If you want, go ahead and listen to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen and re-read the blog. It definitely adds something.