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Rubb-Raiser December 2016


So one thing I always wanted to do with starting my own company is give back to the community. I not only want to produce some of the most delicious seasoning blends for people to enjoy but do some more good.

Less than a month ago I was at my local Sprouts where they assemble food bags that are donated to St. Mary's Food Bank. The cashier checking me out (who was awesome and a delight) and I had a long conversation about it. They gather up a bunch of food items and put them into a bag. They then take 10% off of all the items and allow us customers to purchase them. These bags get picked up by St. Mary's Food Bank every day, which means you know your donation is going to get used right. I love things like this. So of course I bought a bag for the cause!

It is nice to see local groups doing what they can for people.

So starting today (December 3rd) and through December 23rd we are firing up our first Rubb-Raiser! This is where a portion of each jar sold will go to some kind of fundraiser or charity. This month's will be going straight to buying as many of these bags as possible! This gives us twenty days to make a difference. (My plan is to go in on Christmas Eve and just drop-the-mic-status buy up some bags!)

So please, please, please spread the word! Share this blog, post on Facebook, send carrier pigeons, fire back up AOL Instant Messenger or whatever!

Thank you all and Happy Holidays!


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