I hope you all survived the holidays and are as eagerly awaiting 2017 as I am! This has been an awesome year for me but I can't wait to see what next year holds in store.
Earlier this month, I posted a blog about my first Rubb-Raiser. A Rubb-Raiser is where I use part of the profits made from selling my seasonings to help out some community program.
One of my favorite parts of this season is all the family gatherings and the food! Hot-dang the food is good! But for many this can be a season of strife while others enjoy surplus. Luckily many groups, large and small, do what they can to help out the less fortunate. There are numerous toy-drives and food-drives during this time of year.
The one I wanted to work with was Sprout's Food Drive. They gather up a bunch of food and take 10% off the total and allow us customers to buy them for donation. All the food bags go to St. Mary's Food Bank. So everything is local and you can see the results of the good-work.
Thanks to all of you who bought Rubbs during the timeframe I was able to buy up SEVEN bags to be donated! I hope to double this next year!
Like I said, this was the first Rubb-Raiser and there will be more to come. Be sure to check back at our blogs and Facebook page to keep updated on what is going!
Once again, thank you everyone and I hope you have a Happy and Safe New Years!