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New Year, New Goals!

Last year my game-plan for Rubbs By Chubbs was pretty simple. Get it going! Thanks to the unbelievable support of my wife, family, friends and donors on GoFundMe I was able to accomplish my goal. So now that we are into 2017 I figured it was best to come up with a few goals for RBC. I'm sharing this with y'all because you are all so important to me and this whole endeavor. AND I know y'all will keep me on track!

Goal One; New Rubbs!

I am hoping by the end of the year to have doubled my line-up of Rubbs. (So a total of six new flavors to blow your minds/rock your tastebuds with.)

Currently I am working on a new Rubb and even have a few people testing it out. This Rubb was inspired by a good friend of mine who's grandmother has a low sodium tolerance. So this one will be salt-free but still dang-good! Below are a couple pictures of my "tests" with the Rubb. Test Subject Chicken and Test Subject Pork were both consumed whole-heartadly. (And sheet, were they good!) But there does seem to be something missing (and don't say salt you smart-ass/my wife) so the tinkering continues.

Goal Two: Make Some Videos!

Oh man, I can't tell you how much fun I used to have making movies in high school and for classes! Movies and films have always been a huge passion of mine. In fact I expect about 67% of my daily communication to be a movie reference of some kind. I did go to Arizona State University to study film so it's time to put that degree to good use!

This videos will go over a range of subjects and should be good for a laugh or two.

Goal Three: Triple Rubb-Raising!

Last year for December I was able to Rubb-Raise funds to donate food to a local food bank. (Y'all can find the blog on that on the blog-homepage.) It was a truly awesome experience and something I want to continue.

This year I want to do a Rubb-Raising three times! I am definitely going to reserve December for the same one I did last year. If you know a local charity/organization that does awesome work that you think Rubb-Raising could help out, let me know! Comment below, suggest it on our Facebook or email me at

So there you have it, three goals for 2017. Let's get started shall we?!


Remember: Don’t Beat Your Meat, Rubb That Chubb!

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