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Awww... Look at the Lil' Chubbers!

That's right! They are here! The Lil' Chubbs promised in the last blog have arrived! And aren't they so cute?!

Awww... this one has the same lid as his big brother!

So each of these jars holds 2.5 ounces of Rubb (exactly half of their big brothers, now to be referred to as "Regular Chubb"). I know what an investment the Rubbs can be, especially if you have never tasted them before. But now with these little guys you could easily sample any or all of the flavors!

Best part is, you can get them in a 3, 4 or 6 pack! Just add the item to your cart depending on what count of pack you want. Then before you checkout, use the "ADD NOTE TO SELLER" feature bellow the product in your cart to let me know which flavors you want!

Oh and fun facts:

These jars are conflict-free.

9/8 people agree these make perfect gifts! (1 person insisted their voice be heard even though they weren't officially questioned.)

And every time you Rubb the Chubb, a meat-angel gets it's grill-apron.

Enjoy Y'all!


Remember: Don’t Beat Your Meat, Rubb That Chubb!

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