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Friends-Giving Feast: Whole Chicken

Last year, what has started to become an annual tradition, our good friends hosted their Friends-Giving. This is a great chance to all meet up, catch up, have fun, start the holiday season off and a way to prove that millennial do know how to cook!

Part of the event is that everyone brings some kind of a dish. This go around I decided to volunteer my meat-mastery for the gathering. I smoked up a whole chicken, beef roast and a pork shoulder. I believe it was a total of twelve plus pounds of meat. I brought my Traeger Tailgater over to the hosts' house, so it could all be cooked there. Needless to say, they were all Rubb'd and ALL delicious. So I figured I would post a blog about the meats separately to give each their own attention and not have one humungous blog.

*Before anything else, I cannot remember what temperature or how long I cooked each meat. I know, I know. I should have written it all down, but to be honest I kind of messed up the timing for everything and may have "cranked that amp up to 11" if you know what I mean. But anyway I made sure to reach the whole "safe eating" temperature with everything, which really is the most important thing.

So let's begin the series with a sometimes under appreciated option, the whole chicken!

For this guy I needed just a few things:

Whole Chicken (thoroughly washed and cleaned)

Mesq-Sweet Rubb

Chicken Broth

Garlic (To be Shown)

Canola Oil (Not Shown)

Roasting Pan (Not Shown)

I started by filling the roasting pan with the chicken broth and poured a spoonful of minced garlic.

I did this to help keep the chicken moist and the garlic helped as an aromatic. The garlic also helped as garlic, because you know... garlic!

Then I Rubb'd the bird down with Mesq-Sweet.

Then it was off to Traeger to cook! Like I said earlier, I do not remember the temperature or the time. My bad, y'all! But at the end of everything we got this result:

Yes. Yes you may make that your desktop's background.

See y'all next time when we get into the beef roast!

Remember, don't beat your meat. Rubb that Chubb!


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