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Sangria Soaked Skirt Steak

W.C. Fields once said, "I enjoy cooking with wine. And some times I even put it in the food." (Heard that!) With that inspiration in mind, I decided to play around with one of our family's favorite cuts of meat, skirt steak.

I was first turned on to skirt several years ago via a recipe in Men's Health. (How basic, I know.) That recipe called for a chimichurri sauce used to marinate the meat. Since that first bite, I have had a love for that "lesser" cut of meat. And combining that with "mom's juice" I decided to try something new: Sangria Soaked Skirt Steak.

What you Need:

Skirt Steak (This was a little over a pound)

Rubb of your choice (All Purpose is always a safe bet for experimentation)

Minced Garlic (one spoonful)

Sangria (Red or white would work. This one is a red.)

What you Do:

First, Rubb that Chubb! Coat the meat, both sides with the Rubb.

Then put into a gallon sized sealable bag and scoop in a spoonful of minced garlic.

Pour in some Sangria. (No real exact amount, just make sure there is enough to drink later!)

Let it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Once the grill or pan is up to desired heat, cook the steak for about 5 minutes on each side twice at high heat (so 20 minutes total). This may seem like a lot but I firmly believe that skirt steak needs a good char.

Let the meat rest for about 10 minutes and then enjoy! With any luck you'll be treating yourself to something like this!

The sweetness of the Sangria definitely gave the steak a little something extra. The citrusy/fruity flavor combined with the saltiness and delicious natural flavor of the meat was a real crowd pleaser. Hope ya'll enjoy!

Remember, don't beat your meat. Rubb that Chubb!

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