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Free Range: Sugar-Free Spice, Very Nice!

Last month I posted about what we accomplished last year and what we are looking forward to this year! In that blog, I made a couple commitments to y'all. One of them being to update the Shop page, which I did so go check it out! And another was unveiling a new Limited Run Rubb that is completely sugar-free. Carnivores, omnivores and herbivores rejoice... I give you... Free Range!

Free Range is a 100% sugar-free Rubb that is a real team player! It is a utilitarian blend that is good on just about everything: red meat, game meat, fish, poultry, pork, vegetables and more. It has a little bit of a smokey flavor to it with just the slightest tang if you can catch it. Besides being sugar-free, I use pink Himalayan salt (what many consider healthier than other salts).

Interestingly enough, those that got to sample it previously had put it on fish and said it was amazing (especially salmon)! And while I don't have a "fish-specific-spice" this guy may just become that.

So why sugar-free? I know a lot of people are concerned and watching their sugar intake for health reasons. I myself have struggled with weight and health issues (how do you think the nickname Chubbs came about!?) and know that clean-eating is probably the most important part of any diet or lifestyle change. With how extremely popular the paleo and ketosis diets, and their declarations of anti-sugar, it also made sense to make a Rubb that caters to them. Side Bar: One of my uncles actually does ketosis and previously he was always able to keep in it even when using my other Rubbs.

While all my Rubbs contain some amount of sugar in them, there are only three that contain a significant amount: Sweet Malone's, Mesq-Sweet and Donovan's Beef. Those three have brown sugar in them to help give them a sweeter profile. Those bad-boys would definitely not be accepted in the paleo/keto world.

Currently I am doing the Metabolism Reset Diet which was created by a naturopathic doctor out of Scottsdale. The diet is easy to follow (at least for me) and is going to help me repair my metabolism and liver (both of which need help). One of the cool things I like about the program is their "Unlimited Snacks" sections. They even provide you with recipes which turned me onto "Carrot Fries". Basically cut up carrots like their are fries, coat lightly with avocado-oil-spray, season and bake in the oven. Guess who made it onto a batch for me? Free Range!

Never thought I would have munched through carrots with the same veracity as say potato chips, but sure enough I did!

So give it a try! You will find that Free Range is a sugar-free spice that is very nice! It just may become a staple in your pantry (like it has for mine)! Just remember, this is a Limited Run Rubb so quantities are limited and you can only get the Regular Rubb (5 oz) size!

Until Next Time! Remember, don't beat your meat... RUBB THAT CHUBB!


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